Family Law resources, forms & information for the State of Texas
Free legal advice and forms are listed below, additional information about filing and court procedures are available in
Texas Counties local rules.
Texas Counties local rules.
Free legal information
Black's Law Dictionary FREE and on line (mobile version is available)
The Texas State Law Library - online access to the State Law Library & other avenues for assistance
Texas Court Help - A site that offers videos on court preparation, how to find forms in both English & Spanish
Children's Bill of Rights - each county has a version, these rules greatly reduce the amount of conflict that children experience during divorce. The Travis County Children's Bill of Rights is just one example of these ways to not disturb the peace of your children.
The Texas Family Law Practice Manual which offers a monthly on line subscription
Texas Constitution and Statutes - The Texas Family Code - according to the Domestic Relations Exception the state courts must be following their family code. The Domestic Relations Exception? Boston College Law Review or The Yale Law School Journal papers regarding the exception.
The State Bar Association resources and information including scheduling time in the Law Library. Local bar searches
Case Law resources and links for state and federal cases and codes; listing & summary searches are available.
Texas Judicial Branch - Rules and standards for the Judicial Branch including Administrative Judicial Region & standards for Conduct
Divorcenet by NOLO legal guides & general information a great starter for beginners
O'Connor's Family Law HANDBOOK - The HANDBOOK lists applicable family code by topic (custody/divorce/awarding) and supporting case law. Please dbl check link for most current version
Texas Law Help is a state run grant funded program that offers forms and information for issues involving family law, housing, employment, senior, domestic violence, consumer protection, healthcare and benefits, victims of crime & veterans and military
Statewide forms and guides for civil & family legal issues
Statewide forms and guides for civil & family legal issues